Living together …

… if you want or not 🙂

Here in Hainan it can become very hot in summers. Easily temperatures like 40°C are reached and normally these periods come together with a lull in the wind. Most appartments don’t have air conditioning so what can people do, they leave all their doors and windows open.

This leads to the, for an european like me uncommon, situation that you are more or less living together with people which you don’t know, and don’t talk to apart from the hello in the elevator when you stumble upon each other.

From Switzerland I was used to keep doors and even windows shut if I wanted to make my music a little bit louder to not disturb my neighbours. Here in Hainan the people don’t know such considerations. You can easily follow their conversations, listen to their TV or even be aware of what they are preparing for lunch. Luckily or unfortunately I don’t understand a word of the local Hainan dialect  🙂

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One Response to Living together …

  1. Lizhen says:

    no complains for you, at least there are 3 pretty girls living in the apartment which always has an open door. By the way, what else can you expect?

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